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Halloween Guide and Ideas


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Halloween Guide and Ideas
Halloween Guide and Ideas


Below are some of the important final touches we do when setting up our tombstones and graveyard. But remember, if you want realism, too little or to much can spoil the effect. Its very important not to over do your  tombstone enhancements or they will not appear to be the real thing.

Use as many different styles of tombstones as you can afford to buy and/or make yourself. Try to buy better quality tombstones if you can, they look much more realistic than less expensive ones and will last longer since they can take more abuse.

If this is your first year to add tombstones or a graveyard to your Halloween haunt start out with a dozen or more then add a few more every year. In a few years you'll have a very impressive graveyard filled with tombstones for your Halloween haunt!

While you can place your tombstone on the flat ground, they look much more impressive if some of them are at the end of raised mounds. You can add small mounds of dirt in front of the tombstones as an added touch. But, don't make mountains, just a couple inches high looks great.

If you want to have the best looking graveyard this side of the Addams Family estate or Jack Skellington's Halloween town, you'll want first class tombstones to set it off and we know just where to find the best on the net! In the last few years we've seen more and more high-quality, realistic looking tombstones being offered for sale. Many of these tombstones are full size standing anywhere between two and three feet tall. We add a few new ones to our collection every year and are now up to twenty different tombstones for our Halloween graveyard!

When arraigning your tombstones remember that graves in a "real" cemetery are usually spaced about seven feet from row to row, but you can take a few liberties with distances. While you don't have to space them out just right, you do want to give the illusion of there really being graves there, so you want to space out your tombstones. Leave at least a foot or two between the stones side to side, and four feet or more from row to row. We like to tilt some of the tombstones so that the graveyard looks old and dilapidated.

For that really old, abandoned or overgrown graveyard feel, add Spanish moss, leaves and vines. Spanish moss adds a great effect when glued in bunches at the base of and on the tombstones. Next, drape and glue some Spanish moss and silk vines over the top of your tombstones.

Make sure each tombstone is done a little differently than the others and be careful not to add too much or you will bury your tombstones! These can be found at most craft stores or your local nursery.

You can place small bouquets, wreaths or vases of wilted flowers at the base of a few of your tombstones and monuments. These can be real flowers that have been allowed to dry and wither, or you can buy artificial flowers from a local craft store.

Autumn or winter flowers tend to look best. You can even find black or gray colored flowers and roses, which look especially ominous in a Halloween graveyard! Simple touches like this can really add realism to your graveyard.

Use a drill powered Cobweb Spinner or Stretchable Cob Webs to web some or all of your tombstones. We use a Cobweb Spinner to add cobwebs from the sides of the tombstones down to the ground. You can carefully place a few plastic spiders in the webs for an added scare.

Cobweb Shooters and extra cobweb fluid are available from sources on line. Bags of inexpensive stretchable Halloween cobwebs are available at most stores during the month of October.

For an added effect we like to attach a artificial raven, crow or vulture to the top of a tombstone as thought he is perched and watching over that particular grave. The ones we use have a metal wire sticking out from each foot allowing you to push these wires into the top of a tombstone to hold the bird in place.

You can also position some artificial crows and maybe an owl in the trees as well. Artificial ravens, crows, owls and vultures are available from local craft stores.

To create a glowing tombstone effect we spray "Black Light Hair Spray" made by over the front and side of a tombstone. This looks very eerie under a black light. We found that spraying the tombstone in the dark with a black light turned on works best to get an even coating all over the tombstone.

One can of the Black Light Hair Spray can usually paint between three and five tombstones depending on their size. You can also use glow-in-the-dark paint to make the epitaph's on a Halloween tombstone glow by painting over them or within them if they are embossed in the tombstone its self with transparent fluorescent paint.




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